Collecting all the Council Members gives a Wetsuit/Pogo

Request patches for Keens 4-6.
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Collecting all the Council Members gives a Wetsuit/Pogo

Post by Dave216 »

Alright, this will most likely be the last request for the project I am working on( I hope so, at least). I would request that, upon collecting all the council members, you get a wetsuit (instead of winning the game).

The wetsuit is already patched in such a way that upon collecting the wetsuit, you get a pogo instead (taken from the KeenWiki). This way, it would show by default a new item in the Stutus Window( previously Wetsuit).

I could place the "pogo" at some level for the player to collect, but the problem is the way the levels and world map are structured. It would be preferable to be given to players via colecting all the council members.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Collecting all the Council Members gives a Wetsuit/Pogo

Post by nwe74 »

I will certainly help you with the new patches, but it would be helpful if you could answer a few questions.

1. I assume the patches would be used in the same mod as these: Dopefish stun and win game. Could you please confirm this?
2. Do you want to use a replacement for the wetsuit in your mod? That is, an item that gives access to parts of the worldmap, or something that has the same effect.
3. How many Council Member "replacements" do you want to use?
4. What should exactly happen when a Council Member is found? Should it result in winning the level? Should I change the short "dialogue" with the Member to a single message by Keen?
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Re: Collecting all the Council Members gives a Wetsuit/Pogo

Post by Dave216 »

1. Yes, this is the same mod. I hope this won't be an issue.

2. No, I won't be using the replacement. There will also not be a "wetsuit required" barrier on the world map, if that's what you mean.

3. I was thinking 8 or 7. Since there is some in-between work I have to do, I can't say for sure.
If it's something you have to set to a certain number for the patch to work, and altering it would cause some issues down the road, make it 8 (default).

4. I am thinking that almost everything remains the same. You collect a member, win a level, exit the world map, and so on. I was hoping that upon collecting the final member, you would win the level as usual, but instead of the ending sequence, you would get a "wetsuit" instead. You would return to the world map as usual, but with "wetsuit" in your inventory.
I am thinking that I could change the messages on my own, as I did previously.

Minor gameplay spoilers for bypass readers:

If you want more context, the idea was that a certain level wouldn't be possible to beat without the pogo, but you could return to the world map to look for it and obtain it (a BwB type of level). You'd be collecting pogo parts instead of members, actually. The end of the level will have a "foot" replacement, so you could actually progress somewhere else on the world map after "finishing it (although there is no way to technically finish it since it's re-enterable and placing barriers dependent on finishing the level wouldn't work). The "foot" would then take you to the part of the world that was unreachable.

I hope this helps. Thanks for all your hard work! Cheers!
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Re: Collecting all the Council Members gives a Wetsuit/Pogo

Post by nwe74 »

I have created two different versions of the requested patch. In the first version, two messages are shown after rescuing a Member, like in the original game. (The first with the picture of the Council Member and the second with the picture of Keen.) The value of $07 in the first line of the patch is equal to the number of Members minus 1. When the last member is rescued and the player gets the Wetsuit (pogo stick), the "Underwater council member text" (%patch $30BB3) is shown as the first message.

Code: Select all

%patch  $F50D  $B8 $1DA7W $83 $3E $7A5EW $07 $75 $0E $C7 $06 $7A5CW $0001W $B8
    $1D43W $EB $03
In the second version, only the message of Keen will be shown. This patch also contains the number of Members minus 1 ($07 near the end of the penultimate line). Like the other version, it uses the "Underwater council member' message for the last Member.

Code: Select all

%patch  $F4EB  $006FW
%patch  $F4F2  $83 $2E $A531W $30 $A1 $A533W $03 $06 $A531W $50 $9A
    $1D060C79RL $83 $C4 $06 $83 $06 $A535W $0C $8B $1E $7A5EW $83 $FB $07 $75
    $6D $C7 $06 $7A5CW $0001W $B8 $1D43W $50 $EB $67
Note that the patches I created may or may not be compatible with those found in this KeenWiki page: Patch:Oracle Council Message. The "How many Members must be saved" patch from KeenWiki will not work and should not be used. (The game will not crash, but this is just a coincidence.) Modifying only the texts should not cause any problem, though.

I can check the compatibility of your patches, just send the patches to me in a private message.
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Re: Collecting all the Council Members gives a Wetsuit/Pogo

Post by Dave216 »

Nicely done! I've sent you my patch file via PM on pckf.
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