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Keen 5 - Mod optimization (Dr. Colossus' Marooned on Mars)

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:57 pm
by Nisaba
I would like to optimize Dr. Colossus' mod Marooned on Mars a smidgen and hope for a fair bit of patching help/support.
I really do hope that at least a couple of adjustments are realisable. here's my wish list:
  1. Yorps (Korath replacement) shall occasionally make small jumps while walking, as if they are excited to be alive. Image
  2. Yorps disable Keen's pogoing.
  3. Keen bops the Yorps more precisely. the intention is that Yorps get only stunned (for a few seconds) when Keen jumps on their heads.

this is the current Yorp-related patch file of the mod:

Code: Select all

# Korath Yorp #

%patch $31AA4 $0133W # Korath Cache end four extra sprites

# 3 new Standing animations. From Spirougrip
%patch $334A6 $298CW # normal standing goes to spirogrip spin5
%patch $32CCC $0130W $0130W  $0000W       $0000W $0001W        $001EW       $0000W   $0000W
              $00000000L     $037D0520RL  $090B17DCRL          $29AAW

%patch $32CEA $012EW $012EW  $0000W       $0000W $0001W        $001EW       $0000W   $0000W
              $00000000L     $037D0520RL  $090B17DCRL          $29C8W

%patch $32D08 $0131W $0131W  $0000W       $0000W $0001W        $001EW       $0000W   $0000W
              $00000000L     $037D0520RL  $090B17DCRL          $30D2W

#Korath uses new collision
%patch $33426 $037D0520RL
%patch $33444 $037D0520RL
%patch $33462 $037D0520RL
%patch $33480 $037D0520RL
%patch $3349E $037D0520RL

#Disable EGAGRAPH check in Keen 5 (Frees 389 bytes at $3CF0)
%patch $3CDF $90 $90

#New collision, stunnable, shootable, pushes Keen =$037D0520RL
%patch $3CF0 $55 $8B $EC $56 $57 $8B $7E $06 $8B $76 $08 $83 $3C $02 $75 $49 #React to Keen
             $81 $7C $1C $0FEAW  $72 $29 $81 $7C $1C $11ACW  $77 $22 $B8     #Check Keen in air
         $2662W  $50 $57 $9A $090B1242RL     $83 $C4 $04 $B8 $0024W  $50 $9A
             $196E09EFRL     $83 $C4 $02 $C7 $45 $3E $0000W  $5F $5E $5D $CB
             $8B $5C $1C $8B $47 $14 $0B $47 $16 $74 $0E $57 $56 $9A
     $090B0CD2RL     $83 $C4 $04 $5F $5E $5D $CB $83 $3C $03 $75 $0E $B8     #Push Keen, react to Keen's shot
         $3168W  $50 $56 $57 $9A $090B16CDRL     $83 $C4 $06 $5F $5E $5D $CB #Be stunned

#Stunned collision -can't be restunned or push Keen, just shot =$037D0590RL
%patch $3D60 $55 $8B $EC $56 $57 $8B $7E $06 $8B $76 $08 $EB $DC

#Stunned Yorp behavior, count up to unstunning =$037D059DRL
%patch $3D6D $55 $8B $EC $56 $8B $76 $06 $FF $44 $3E $8B $44 $3E $3D $0014W
             $72 $05 $C7 $44 $1C $29E6W  $5E $5D $CB

#Last stunned yorp
%patch $32D26 $0133W $0133W $0002W      $0000W $0000W $000EW   $0000W $0000W
              $090B1710RL    $037D0590RL $11C40BAARL   $298CW

%patch $127EA $55 $8B $EC $56 $8B $76 $06 $83 $7C $38 $00 $75 $06 $83 $7C $3C
             $00 $74 $05 $C7 $44 $16 $0000W  $83 $7C $3A $00 $74 $05 $C7 $44
             $18 $0000W  $83 $7C $36 $00 $74 $28 $C7 $44 $18 $0000W  $8B $5C
             $1C $83 $7F $1C $00 $74 $0E $FF $77 $1C $56 $9A $090B1242RL   
             $83 $C4 $04 $EB $0C $56 $9A $06B91E47RL     $83 $C4 $02 $5E $5D
                 $FF $74 $20 $33 $C0 $50 $FF $74 $1E $FF $74 $0C $FF $74 $0A
             $8B $C6 $05 $46 $00 $50 $9A $174E163ERL     $83 $C4 $0C $5E $5D

#Stunned Yorp loop
%patch $329A2 $0132W $0132W $0000W      $0000W $0000W $000EW   $0000W $0000W
              $037D059DRL   $037D0590RL $0F920119RL   $2680W
%patch $329C0 $0133W $0133W $0000W      $0000W $0000W $000EW   $0000W $0000W
              $037D059DRL   $037D0590RL $0F920119RL   $2662W

Re: Keen 5 - Mod optimization (Dr. Colossus' Marooned on Mars)

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:21 pm
by Nisaba
shy question: Is one of the above mentioned patch requests feasible?

Re: Keen 5 - Mod optimization (Dr. Colossus' Marooned on Mars)

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:19 am
by levellass
Hard to say, hard to say. All three SOUND feasible; the third is the most doubtful. But a lot of things sound easy until you dig into actually trying to make things work.

Since this is a released mod (yes?) it should be easier to experiment on. I'm a bit of a novice at Keen 5, but my recent Keen 4 work has taught me quite a few things I didn't know before so I shall see how these work out, when I have spare time.

Re: Keen 5 - Mod optimization (Dr. Colossus' Marooned on Mars)

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 8:57 am
by Nisaba
Yeah, a lot of things sound easy until you realize how difficult it actually is to construe and understand a wall off hex-code. especially with a brain like mine which won't stay focus on tasks like this...

this is a released mod. here is the most up-to-date download link: ...

thanks in advance for trying