Patching the Ankh to become a Timer (which can kill Keen)

Completed patches for Keen3.
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Patching the Ankh to become a Timer (which can kill Keen)

Post by levellord »

I just realized, no one has posted this most 1337 of patches:
### ((( begin Durdin's kickass Ankh hacking ))) ###

#SIDE EFFECT: "Message Popup" tiles will have no effect (but who cares)
#SIDE EFFECT: Areas of tiles with a general behaviour other than
# "Nothing" will be "safe areas" where the time does *not* affect
# Keen -- you could use "Message Popup" if you desire this behaviour

# Setting Ankh to give 32 seconds of time (32 * 144 = $1200)
%patch $7BA3 $00 $12

# Set Ankh time to 36 secs (41 * 144 = $1440) when entering level
# (side-effect: won't turn off God mode when entering level)
%patch $81CE $C7 $06 $46 $99 $40 $14

# Set single bullet to give 10 seconds of ankh time (10 * 144 = $06C0)
%patch $7BD2 $81 $06 $46 $99 $C0 $06 $EB $CB

# Set Ankh flashing time (when time running out) to when there's 8
# seconds left (8 * 144 = $0480)
%patch $84FE $80 $04

# Make Keen die when ankh time runs out (using black magic)
%patch $7A1C $E9 $4E $01
%patch $7B6D $83 $3E $46 $99 $00 $7F $03 $E9 $BB $FE $E9 $89 $00
%patch $7C45 $03 $7C

# The ankh does not make Keen invincible
%patch $7918 $EB

# The ankh does not stop vortikids from knocking over Keen
%patch $7C8A $EB

# The "invincibility sprite" is not shown until the "time running out"
# time is reached (even for God mode).
# SIDE EFFECT: with God mode on, once the timer is depleted,
# the "time running out" frames will continue to flash.
%patch $8502 $EB $74

### ((( end Durdin's kickass Ankh hacking ))) ###
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