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C + T + Space cheat modification

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 11:27 pm
by XkyRauh

Pretty easy to find, for Keen 2 the code is identical to Keen 1:

# When using c + t + space cheat in Keen 2, set Keen's ammo to 99. (Or any other values you want)
%patch $E03 $63 $00

#c t space cheat loses Keen his pogo
%patch $0DFD $00 $00
#Or gains it for the no pogo patch
%patch $0DFD $01 $00

#ctspace doesn't give keen any keycards
%patch $E11 $00

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:42 am
by levellass
As mentioned in the Keen 1 forum, I have developed a general patch structure for the CTSpace cheat, that allows you to change not only how much of something the cheat gives, but also *what*

As in the first post above, a value of zero will take something. Yes you can use this to skip levels by making them done.

Code: Select all

#What CTSpace cheat gives Keen:
%patch $0E01 $DE $9A $64 $00 #Ammo (100)
%patch $0DFB $B0 $9A $01 $00 #Pogo (0 to steal pogo)
%patch $0E0F $B4 $9A $01 $00 #ALL keys (0 to steal all keys) 

#What the first byte affects:
$AA: Joystick  $AC: Vaccum      $AE: Whiskey  $B0: Pogo       
$B2: Battery   $B4: All cards   $B6: Red card $B8: Green card 
$BA: Blue card $BC: Level 1     $BE: Level 2  $C0: Level 3
$C2: Level 4   $C4: Level 5     $C6: Level 6  $C8: Level 7
$CA: Level 8   $CC: Level 9     $CE: Level 10 $D0: Level 11
$D2: Level 12  $D4: Level 13    $D6: Level 14 $D8: Level 15
$DA: Level 16  $DC: Lives       $DE: Ammo     $E0: Points
$E2: Points * 65536

I hope this makes for some inventive uses of this cheat, especially since it can be reconfigured to a single key activation (E.g., you could make it so that pressing space converts Keen's pogo into 100 ammo, letting him defend himself, but stopping him getting up high.)
